"Expensive Wedding Rings... Great Wedding Accessories!"

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If you are on the look out for expensive wedding rings, you will find it here. And I will show you real high priced wedding rings.

If a ring has diamonds, it will be a lot more expensive, because diamonds have great value. Due to the fact that a diamond is the birth stone for April it makes it even more expensive.

If a birth stone appears in a wedding ring, it will be more expensive than a ring without diamonds or birthstones.

There are many features which determines, whether a ring will be expensive or cheap.

The amount you will pay for a ring will depend on the materials being used, the quantity of diamonds in the ring, the carats, the color, clarity, and the total weight of gold.


Factors influencing the price:

The material being used: Some of the rings use expensive metals such as gold, platinum, titanium, silver and wedding rings manufactured from these precious metals make them more expensive.

* Platinum: It is beautiful but you will pay a lot for it. Platinum is also 95% pure. It won’t cause skin irritation. This metal scratches very easily, so be careful and treat with care. When not using the ring, put it in place where it will be safe. Remove the ring while doing house chores.

* Gold: Gold cost a lot less than platinum, but it doesn’t come cheap either. Gold is the most common metal used for wedding rings. Pure gold can also cause irritation to the skin, but it depends on the type of skin you have. It’s very popular though.

* Titanium: The Titanium is a cheap, strong metal.. The only problem is that titanium can not be reshaped into different sizes.

* Silver: Prices are reasonable, but the likelihood of skin irritation is high.

Before buying a wedding ring, make sure that it does not contain metals which do irritate your skin.

Design: The more elaborate the design, the more expensive the ring. The more complicated and delicate it is the more expensive your wedding ring will be.

Accessories: The type of stones that are used such as diamonds, rubies and precious stones will definitely have an influence on the price and hike it. If only plain metals are being used, it will be cheaper than a ring with a gem inside

If you want expensive wedding rings, that’s ok, but remember that it is not the price of the ring that counts; it’s the idea behind it.


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